Warner Bros. Studios, also known as “The Making of Harry Potter,” is a renowned film studio complex located in Leavesden, Hertfordshire, England. This state-of-the-art studio is famous for its pivotal role in bringing the magical world of Harry Potter to life on the big screen. It offers visitors a captivating behind-the-scenes experience, allowing them to explore the authentic sets, costumes, props, and secrets that made the Harry Potter film series a global phenomenon. From the enchanting Great Hall to the mystical Diagon Alley, the studio provides an immersive journey into the creative process that brought this beloved fictional universe to reality. Warner Bros. Studios London is a must-visit destination for film enthusiasts and Harry Potter fans, offering a glimpse into the magic of filmmaking that captured the hearts of millions worldwide.
In our dedication to enhancing the studio’s functionality and precision, we meticulously undertook various essential tasks. These include calculating the net and gross internal areas, adhering to IPMS 3b standards, and crafting detailed site plans. Additionally, we conducted an independent measurement report and ensured adherence to duty of care protocols, ensuring the utmost precision and compliance in all our endeavours.